
Life expectancy for a guy in Montana is 76. That's my estimated lifespan, which is shorter than the US average, and shorter than other developed countries.

Instead of trying to push that number to 106, I’m interested in the tools, behaviors, and habits needed to increase the number of healthy years.

This website is about providing you with up-to-date information on how to get healthy, and stay healthy longer. How? Through self-guided study followed by experimentation–learn about your health by taking action.

In naturopathic medical school I learned how to help people heal using tools like nutrition, herbs, vitamins and minerals, and lifestyle modifications. It turns out that I, too, want to be strong and resilient, so I started practicing what I was preaching and I hit some unexpected roadblocks.

Knowledge is useful, but actually applying these tools and creating health is harder than I anticipated. So, I started to write about my journey of self-experimenting, and how it's helped me improve my energy, mood, and (hopefully) healthspan. My intention with my writing is to share new insights to help you create long-lasting physical and mental health, too.

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Meet Dr. Rondo