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Curcumin Improves Memory And Mood

Curcumin Improves Memory And Mood

American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry

Turmeric is one of the most studied botanical medicines in the world likely because it has so much to offer to so many different people. Curcumin, the gold part of the turmeric root, is the reason for all the excitement. Mary and I have recently experimented with curcumin to alleviate joint pain and inflammation after a long hike or ride and I gotta say, the stuff really is gold.

What do we have here?
This is the first long-term (18 months) double-blind, placebo controlled study of a bioavailable form of curcumin used to address memory decline.

In this study, 40 participants with mild memory complaints were given a daily dose of Theracurmin that contained 180 mg of curcumin.

Sure, sure but what about my brain?
Daily oral Theracurmin led to significant memory and attention benefits. PET scans done before and after treatment suggested that behavioral and cognitive benefits are associated with decreases in plaque and tangle accumulation in brain regions modulating mood and memory. This research also suggests that curcumin's cognitive benefits may stem from its anti-inflammatory and/or anti-amyloid brain effects.

Also, as far as mood improvements go, past research points to a notable decline in depression, but it looks like it may take 2-3 months of daily use before noticing any benefits.

Curcumin, a constituent in turmeric, is well-known for its ability to regulate healthy inflammation throughout the entire human body. New research suggests that these same mechanisms might help improve memory and attention in adults with age-related decline.