
What's included for just $5/month

  • The Nutrient Newsletter delivered to your inbox each Friday with health-related articles, news, and research.
  • One in-depth article each week containing actionable information on health fundamentals. My articles tend to combine my interests in history, sports, the natural world, and how they all relate to our biology.
  • Access to all previously published articles
  • Monthly book reviews
  • Access to write-ups about my thoughts on 170 scientific papers.
  • Voting rights for future topics
  • Support independent writing for the price of one coffee per month (1/2 caf  with oat milk).

My writing focuses on topics like:

  • Foundations of health (IE sleep, nutrition, hydration, movement, and stress management).
  • Ways to optimize health and performance, including increasing your endurance, adopting healthy habits, and building mental resilience and natural immunity.
  • Preventing the common widow-makers, including heart disease, cancer, and unintended injuries.
  • The benefits of supplements, herbs, and– this might be surprising– pharmaceuticals
  • Updates on men's health, including the frank stuff like testosterone and erectile dysfunction, as well as the specific ways men are affected by chronic illnesses like anxiety, cancer, and heart disease.
  • Interpreting recently published scientific research while considering 300,000 years of human tradition.

Whether you call what I do “holistic,” “complementary,” or “alternative” doesn't matter. What matters to me is that you become an active participant in your health, which starts with being informed.

In Resilient Dr. Rick Hansen, PhD eloquently explains why preventative medicine is so important:

"People commonly put off improving their personal health practices. It’s so easy to say, “I’ll start tomorrow.” But the tomorrows keep adding up, and the years go by. Then something comes along—an injury, a serious illness, or a major stressor—that lands hard on a weakened constitution, like a tree branch falling on a house hollowed out by termites. It’s motivating, not morbid, to realize that we’re all running out of runway, that it’s time to change something that could add quality years to your life."