1 min read

Running For Increased Memory

Differences in Resting State Functional Connectivity between Young Adult Endurance Athletes and Healthy Controls (This is a typical type of title that I have to weed through. Read this one 3 times before I understood what they're actually talking about.)

Would you take an herb if I told you that it will help you think quicker and improve your memory? Lets say there are zip side effects and loads of research backing the claims. The herb is also associated with boosting dopamine levels (good) and will counteract a stressful day.

Well hell yeah, I'll take four.

Researchers are once again emphasizing that the miracle drug we're all looking for is actually running, and it's free.

We know that one of the best ways to boost your IQ is to exercise, and one of the most studied exercises is running, therefore running makes you smarter. Yep, it's that simple.

When I think of distance running I picture a quiet brain, and little to no multi-tasking beyond the energy it takes to pound your knees into the pavement. However, this study shows that movement at higher endurance levels (in this case running) engages multiple cognitive actions including planning, inhibition, monitoring, motor control, attentional switching and multi-tasking.

That's a heck of a lot of connectivity in your brain during a seemingly simple task that typically alleviates stress too. Seems like a winner.

Why running?

It's likely that the cognitive benefits of exercise occur because running isn't simply an automated repetitive motor task, but is instead a highly complex behavior that involves both motor and mental functions simultaneously. If you think about it, running (or swimming, biking…) is vastly different from any other activity you do during a typical day, so it makes sense that it would stimulate your brain so powerfully.

Takeaway: High intensity aerobic activity that requires sustained, repetitive movement and navigational skills, stresses cognitive domains in ways that lead to improved brain connectivity. Increasing brain connectivity will make you sharper and enhance your thinking capacity, especially over a lifespan. Now go take a lap!