2 min read

The Nutrient: Low Vitamin D and mortality, Exercise in a pill, Vasectomy


Aging Men With Insufficient Vitamin D Have a Higher Mortality Risk

Spending 10–30 minutes in midday sunlight a couple times per week is enough to maintain healthy levels of Vitamin D. In Montana, however, I recommend supplementing with 2000 IU daily during the long, dark, sunless winter, unless you get tested and we know exactly what your blood level is. Today, I'm sharing another reason why you don't want to be deficient in D–early death.

This study showed that men aged 40-79 years-old who were Vitamin D deficient (less than 20 µg/L) had a 2x increased risk of dying compared to those with normal levels (> 30 µg/L). This was true even after accounting for BMI, smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity, season of blood sample, kidney function, and a number of other diseases.

Luckily it's summer so you can get it for free outside. Just don't overdo it because melanoma can kill you, too.


The benefits of exercise in a pill? Science is closer to that goal
Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine, Stanford School of Medicine and collaborating institutions report today in the journal Nature that they have...

Researchers found a modified amino acid called Lac-Phe elevated in mice after an intense treadmill workout. It's the first step toward encapsulating the health benefits of exercise (IE weight loss, regulating appetite and improving metabolic health) without actually having to exercise. They say it will benefit the frail and old, which raises the question of how they became frail in the first place. Not from a deficiency of exercise pill. Still, it's an interesting reminder of why movement is so important.


The one vasectomy side-effect men don’t expect
Vasectomies can be a productive form of birth control but some men experience poor mental health afterward. Counseling and pre-vasectomy information by a urologist can help.
Ultimately, this is a medically safe, fairly low-risk procedure that the majority of men are happy they had. But there are potential complications that can lead to mental health challenges.

Words of the week

Old pond…
A frog jumps in
Water’s sound
-Matsuo Bashō