2 min read

The Nutrient: Buying happiness, Supplements for hair loss, Balancing blood sugar

The Nutrient: Buying happiness, Supplements for hair loss, Balancing blood sugar


Spending Money on Others Promotes Happiness

Ceres Bakery in Kalispell, Montana has a whiteboard behind the register that says "Pay it Forward" and a handful of names written on it. The idea is to surprise a friend by paying for their coffee to hopefully make their day. Research shows that buying someone a coffee might make your day, too.

A study from 2008 found that in experiment after experiment, people who spend their money on others are happier than those who spend it on themselves.

"our work demonstrates that how people choose to spend their money is at least as important as how much money they make."


"...because people readily adapt to the stable circumstances of their lives, circumstantial factors tend to have rather limited long-term effects on happiness levels. Thus, intentional activities— practices in which people actively and effortfully choose to engage—may represent a more promising route to lasting happiness."

Who says money can't buy happiness?


Hair Loss: Supplements May be an Effective Treatment

When it comes to hair loss, the first step is to determine the cause. Is it stress-related, or is it related to low sex hormones, or an under-active thyroid? Once you figure that out, the next step might involve a supplement or two to combat any deficiency.

"...the highest-quality evidence for supplements for hair loss came from several supplements, including capsaicin, omegas 3 and 6 with antioxidants, zinc, and pumpkin seed oil."


110 Foods unlikely to spike your blood sugar

I saw several patients this week chronic, debilitating headaches and my treatment plan involved several herbs and nutrients (Vitamin B2, CoQ10, and Feverfew to name a few) as well as addressing blood sugar spikes. Eating sugary foods like bagels, white rice, or breakfast cereal causes a blood sugar spike followed by a crash. And, just like crashing a car, the impact can cause a headache.

"In general, starchy vegetables are the most likely to raise glucose. Leafy green vegetables should serve as the core of any diet."
"Generally, fruit paired with fat and protein (like nut butters or full-fat unsweetened yogurt) and additional fiber (chia seeds or flaxseeds) can help blunt a spike from fruit."

Words of the week

"The instinct is to look for answers, but the truth is that questions teach us most. Who do you spend your time with? It’s not just people. What you read, what you watch, what you think about—your life comes to look exactly like your surroundings. Choose wisely."
Ryan Holiday

Take care,

Dr. Rondo