2 min read

The Nutrient: Water vs. coconut water, Effects of mild dehydration, Gonorrhea superbug

The Nutrient: Water vs. coconut water, Effects of mild dehydration, Gonorrhea superbug
Hey guys,
We're continuing to explore the fundamentals of health, looking at ways to hydrate to improve performance. In other news, it's a good time to be monogamous as gonorrhea is "becoming unstoppable" in the US. I also started reading Do Hard Things by Steve Magness and shared my favorite quote so far. Lastly, comments are now turned on for all posts, so login and share your thoughts.
Take care,
–Dr. Adam


Comparison of coconut water and a carbohydrate-electrolyte sport drink on measures of hydration and physical performance in exercise-trained men
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition

What's the best way to rehydrate after exercise? Before Gatorade the answer was obvious: water. Now there's an aisle-full of options, including drinks with salt and carbs, like coconut water and sports drinks.

This study looked at 12 exercise-trained dudes and had them run on a treadmill for 60-minutes. On four different days, participants lost 2% of their body mass via sweating and then rehydrated using a different drink. One day was bottled water, the next was pure coconut water, followed by coconut water from concentrate, and, lastly, a carbohydrate-electrolyte sport drink.

Researchers measured their thirst, bloatedness, feeling refreshed, stomach upset, and tiredness.

All the drinks promoted rehydration, and supported subsequent exercise. Also, their performance was the same, regardless of what they were drinking. The only other relevant finding was that participants felt bloated and experienced mild stomachaches with the two forms of coconut water.

"While water intake is likely an adequate rehydration approach for many individuals, others (e.g., athletes involved in vigorous training) may require intake of water-carbohydrate or carbohydrate-electrolyte mixtures, in addition to other nutrients. Such an approach has been reported to be superior to water alone and is generally considered the ideal recommendation for individuals engaged in long duration, strenuous bouts of acute exercise."

Hydrate with water if you're sweating while exercising for 60-minutes. Beyond that, it's a good idea to add electrolytes and carbs to your drink.


The whole body impact of mild dehydration
By Dr. Adam

If you’re not dying from dehydration, and you drink water when you’re thirsty, then how much more water do you need to be healthy?

"Your body is 60% water, making hydration a fundamental to your health and longevity. To stay properly hydrated, you’ll want to drink water when you’re thirsty, eat fruit and veggies throughout the day, and drink about the same amount of coffee each day. Sweating and drinking alcohol increases your needs. Beyond that, it takes some self-experimenting to yield results that are catered to your daily demands."


Gonorrhea is becoming unstoppable; highly resistant cases found in US
Ars Technica

"The cases mark the first time that US isolates of the gonorrhea-causing bacterium, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, have shown complete resistance or reduced susceptibility to all drugs that are recommended for treatment."

Prevention = Condoms

Words of the week

"A tough individual is like a robust immune system. It’s best to have knowledge to prepare for specific stressors, but even if we encounter an unfamiliar threat, we have a number of methods to cope with whatever comes our way."
–Steve Magness in Do Hard Things


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